How it Works
Watch how to use the Turboforte Lung Physio

Reviews From Our Users
We’ve helped thousands of people increase their lung capacity. Don’t just take our word for it.
— DR VICTOR S. ALPHERI needed a device to assist with removing mucus from the lungs. During hospitalisation for pneumonia, I was given the Acapella device. I found, however, the flutter valve by Turboforte works 100 times better. If you need a device for this purpose, I highly recommend it.
— EDWARD CALDWELLUsed this today for the first time. Easy to learn the method. Both times sputum was released from my airway and breathing better. I have COPD and this week, a chest cold. I was unable to clear the mucus until I used the Turboforte.
— CAROLE RICHARDThis is amazing. It's as if someone is helping you get your lungs all clear. It's pretty amazing to use. Helps with my asthma and clears up the chest congestion. Strengthens your lung.
What is Turboforte
Learn more about the Turboforte Lung Physio

Our patented device operates on Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP). This assists the body's natural cleaning process, to maintain optimal hygiene in the lungs and restores lung capacity.

High Density Steel Ball
The high density steel ball inside causes vibrations in the airways that loosen mucus and cause a slight increase in pressure that assists in keeping your airways open.

Exhaled Air
When you exhale the movement of the vibrations stimulates the mucus to gradually ascend up the airways until you eventually can cough the mucus up naturally.

Our perforated protective cover is designed to be conveniently disassembled and reassembled easily for cleaning.
Scientific Reports and Studies Behind Turboforte
We're backed by science - and approved by the best. Learn more about the innovation driving Turboforte and our incredible results.
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