As featured in

Next Generation Mucus Clearing Device

How It Works
Our original patented design of the breakthrough Flutter Device can help EVERY LUNG.
The precisely weighted stainless steel ball is optimised in our Class 1 Medical Device to achieve the maximum effect of Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP).
When you exhale through the Turboforte Lung physio, your breath moves the steel ball inside making vibrations in the airways that loosen mucus and cause a slight increase in pressure that assists in keeping your airways open.
The movement of the vibrations stimulates the mucus to gradually ascend up the airways until you eventually can cough the mucus up naturally.
Reviews From Our Users
We’ve helped thousands of people increase their lung capacity. Don’t just take our word for it.
Works 100 times better
— Dr Victor S. AlpherI needed a device to assist with removing mucus from lungs. During hospitalisation for pneumonia, I was given the Acapella device. I found, however, the flutter valve by Turboforte works 100 times better. If you need a device for this purpose, I highly recommend it.
Unable to clear the mucus until ... Turboforte
— Edward CaldwellUsed this today for the first time. Easy to learn the method. Both times sputum was released from my airway and breathing better. I have COPD and this week, a chest cold. I was unable to clear the mucus until I used Turboforte.
This thing works.
— John JamisonThis thing works. When I received the item, I thought it was a joke. I watched the video and gave it a go. The first few times are a learning process and I found that standing up during use works best for me. It actually does work as advertised
This here ladies and gentleman gets the Job done!
— David QuirozBought this to help me with this winter gloom days! I’m a Singer and this tool comes in handy! I need my throat to be clear of all mucus and this here ladies and gentleman gets the Job done! If you’re not quite sure how to use the tool please check out the YouTube channel they have plenty of videos in how to properly use it.
Grateful to my doctor for telling me about it!
— Jane CrenshawThe Flutter Valve is extremely useful in breaking up congestion! It's easy to use and clean. Excellent instructions on box! Grateful to my doctor for telling me about it!
...made his breathing easier
— Catherine ScottMy husband is extremely happy with this product, works perfectly as described and has definitely cleared congestion and made his breathing easier. Highly recommend, great value for money too.
Who is it for?
From the athlete wanting more performance, to the musician after increased lung capacity, all the way to patients after medical relief, Turboforte prevents the impact of pollution on the respiratory system.

Turboforte alleviates the
symptoms of lung and respiratory conditions including:
- Asthma
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Bronchiectasis
- Catarrh

Get the competitive edge with our all-natural solution, increasing your lung capacity for sports like:
- Swimming
- Marathons
- Triathlons
- Free-diving
- Long-distance Running
- Endurance Sports

Clear airways and greater lung capacity for diaphragmatic breathing, helping you be a better:
- Singer
- Actor
- Public Speaker
- Brass Instrumentalist
- Woodwind Instrumentalist
- Touring Performer

Everyday Use
Turboforte is a handheld, drug-free device that’s safe for everyday use, making it suitable for:
- Mitigating Poor Air Quality
- Mucus Clearing
- Lung Expansion
- General Lung Health
Interested in Turboforte?
Turboforte Lung Physio is a handheld, drug-free, lung expansion, breathing exerciser & mucus clearing device that helps clear congestion from airways and lungs making breathing easier.